Soundless as a dot on a disk of snow
I made it to my start point, Roncesvalles, at about 4 p.m. today by bus. Near the border of France, Roncesvalles is reportedly the place where Roland met his end, immortalized in the Song of Roland. Jonah said it was very important that there be pine trees here. I have confirmed that there are.
I had quite a low point earlier today when I saw how many other pilgrims. I've read that some people can be very competitive about getting to albergues, the overnight hostel type things for pilgrims (much cheaper, with fewer amenities and much less privacy). A competitive spirit is something I'd like to avoid.
I wondered what the heck I am doing here, one lost white privileged soul in a sea of seekers. Or, to bring forth Emily Dickinson, a soundless dot on a disk of snow.
After talking with two of my favourite people by video chat, I felt better. I'm here, and tomorrow will be a new challenge.
Also, I made a friend at dinner. She took my photo.
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