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Days 30 to 33 and beyond

It's been over a week since I stopped walking and it still feels a bit raw to reflect back on my final four days. They were hard, but halcyon. Arriving in Santiago felt like more of an ending to me than I expected, and getting up at 6 to walk on day 30 was a struggle. My body was definitely getting to the end of its ability to walk day after day, and I started to develop a shin splint in my left leg. Thankfully, the KT tape helped this time around, but it took us a long time to get through the first 33 km day, longer because of a pill mix up. Spanish ibuprofen looks remarkably like Canadian nyquil, and I neglected to tell Laura that I had both in my pack--the day was a bit of a blur. After essentially camping out in a strange municipal by donation albergue with no supervision, we set off at 6:30 am for our longest day yet: a 40 km push that would allow us to take our time on a 15 km stretch to Fisterra the following day. Although we had two walking days left, with vari...

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Days 28 and 29

Days 24 to 27

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